ConsultationThe process begins with a free one on one consultation where we will discuss your individual needs, and help you prioritize your long and short term training goals. At GOOD SIT Dog Training, we will observe your dog in your home where we may identify some quick fixes for a behaviour you're struggling with.
Private in home trainingOnce we determine your training goals we'll begin to work in your home, at your convenience and on your schedule. As we progress we may introduce additional distractions to help you ensure your dog is prepared to handle the real world beyond the front door.
Group ClassesGroup Classes are only available to clients following their private lessons. Once you've completed the private lessons, you'll be given access to the Google GOODSIT Group Class Calendar online.
Because we don't have an indoor training facility, classes are outside in a private field we have access to. Classes are weekly and alternate between Saturday and Sunday. I vary the time to give everyone an opportunity to attend at least some of the time. Unlike many others, our classes are totally unstructured. That means that whatever happens is totally up to you. When you arrive, Cathy will ask you if there is anything in particular you'd like help with. If not, we may just have fun and learn some new skills. The private lessons had are not intended to get you perfection. That takes time, patience and consistency. We teach you the foundation skills but, just like children, training is on-going. Some of my clients come to Group Class to exercise their dog in familiar surroundings with other dogs and people they know. Newer clients will perhaps just be working to get their dog comfortable and under control around other dogs. We may “place” dogs together or just have one dog walk circles around another while you help your dog remain calm. Some dogs may need to work away from others until they’re more comfortable so we’ll do that. Maybe your dog still pulls on the leash. Maybe he runs for a toy but won’t bring it back. Maybe he won’t let go of your shoe he steals from the closet at home. Whatever YOU want from class is what you'll get. |